A cigar box is a container specially used to store and protect cigars. It is designed to maintain the humidity, temperature and freshness of cigars while showing the elegance and luxury of cigars. Quality is the foundation of Xiyangyang's cigar boxes. We select superior materials and strictly control every production link to ensure that users are provided with the best cigar storage space.
Cigar boxes are not only practical, but are also often used as collectibles or gifts to reflect the user's taste and style. Xiyangyang's advanced manufacturing technology not only improves the appearance and texture of cigar boxes, but also ensures the stability and suitability of the internal environment.
* By capacity: It can be divided into single cigar boxes, double cigar boxes and multi-cigar boxes to meet different carrying and storage needs.
* By function: Some cigar boxes are equipped with humidifiers and hygrometers to help maintain the humidity and freshness of cigars; some cigar boxes are equipped with dividers to store cigars of different brands or flavors separately.
*Exterior design: The exterior design of the cigar box is unique and diverse, and is often decorated with elements such as wood grain parquet, creative patterns, LOGO and decorations to add an artistic feel
*First use: The cigar box should be humidified before use to prevent the cigars from losing water and hardening. Humidification methods include placing a humidifying device at the bottom of the box and regularly checking the hygrometer
*Daily maintenance: Regularly check the humidity and temperature of the cigar box to ensure that it is within the appropriate range. At the same time, avoid wiping the inside of the cigar box with a wet cloth to prevent corrosion of the wood
*Material: wooden cigar box, leather cigar box, metal cigar box, etc.